Bush Elementary Information

The friendly staff at Bush Elementary care and believe in the potential of your child. Students are given the opportunity to learn at their readiness level. We are able to meet the needs of students who need a little more help with our Math and Literacy Intervention Programs, which help to identify struggling students and give them small group support.

In order to meet the needs of more advanced students, we group during literacy and math, and sometimes we develop personal plans if upper level groups are still not appropriate. Young-fives, which is a program that allows children a little extra time in order to be prepared for kindergarten. In young-fives they learn the alphabet/sounds, counting, recognizing shapes and colors, and how to play with peers. Bush Elementary - The Best Place to Begin!

Bush Elementary School has average enrollment of 265 students. We currently have three grade levels comprised of:  three sections of young-fives, four sections of kindergarten, and four sections of first grade. Currently our class sizes average 23 students. Bush Elementary strives to provide a great beginning for all students with a variety of educational experiences.


Bush Elementary - Student Handbook - 2024-25

Supply Lists:

Bush Elementary - Young Five - 2024-25
Bush Elementary - Kindergarten - 2024-25
Bush Elementary - First Grade - 2024-25

Bush History

By 1954, it became apparent that a single school building in the Essexville-Hampton District could no longer accommodate the K-8 school population of our community. In 1955 groundbreaking and construction began on Bush Elementary School. The building was named in honor of the current superintendent, W. R. Bush.

The new school was dedicated in honor of Mrs. Olive Maynard, who taught in the Essexville-Hampton District for 43 years. The school opened in the fall of 1956.   

800 Nebobish Ave.
Essexville, Michigan 48732

Phone: (989) 894-9760
Hours: 7:42am - 2:35pm

Principal: Kristen Hahl


Bush Organizational Chart