Garber Student Council’s Charity Week will be starting soon. (Monday, February 7th
through Friday, February 11th.)
Don’t have time for breakfast or need a snack for the afternoon? We’ve got you covered.
Stop by the bake sale located in the main hall on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of
Charity Week.
Candy Grams are back! They will be sold M-F of Charity week before school and at lunch.
Morning Career Center students can stop by Mrs. Blair’s classroom to purchase theirs if
needed. The cost is $2 to send one to a friend or that special someone in your life. Candy
choices are Snickers, Reese’s, Kit Kat, Twix, Starburst, and Skittles. Candy Grams will be
delivered during Seminar. PM Career Center students will receive theirs during 4th block
before dismissal.
Stay tuned for more information on Annual Raffle prizes which will be sold that week also.