Saturday August 16th
Bay County Golf Course

"All gentlemen that plan on trying out for the Garber Golf Team this year, need to report to Mr. Coquillard's classroom next Monday, March 10, 2025 @ 3:15 for the opening team meeting. Make sure you have a physical completed and on file. You will not need golf clubs or gear on Monday. Any questions, please see Mr. Coquillard." - thank you

There will be a softball meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, March 5th immediately
after school in the Tech Hall for players to learn about Tri-out dates and times.

Girls Varsity Basketball won vs Carrollton last night in the first round of MHSAA districts. They face off against Caro on Wednesday 3/5 at 7 pm at Frankenmuth HS. Here is the link to purchase tickets:

Any student looking to participate in Spring Sports must have a physical on file before practice starts. Blank forms are available in the front office or via the link below. Please get them turned in ASAP.

ATTENTION FOOTBALL PLAYERS: There will be a quick Football meeting Friday March 7th 3:15 in tech hall for all players playing next year
Summer calendars and info will be passed out

Garber Track & Field begins Monday, March 10. You must have a current physical on file with the main office BEFORE participating. Please contact Mr. Anderson with any questions or concerns.

Monday March 10th @ Midland Civic Arena 9-10:15 PM
Tuesday March 11th @ Michigan Sports Dome-4-5:30 PM
Wednesday March 12th @ Michigan Sports Dome 4-5:30 PM

On Thursday, February 27th, there will be a girls tennis meeting in the auditorium right after school for anyone interested in participating.

Garber Dukes will be hosting Wrestling Team Districts on Wednesday Feb 5th. Entry will be with GoFan ONLY! NO CASH, CREDIT OR PASSES WILL BE ACCEPTED per MHSAA guidelines! GO DUKES!

BASEBALL-There will be a quick baseball meeting after school in the Tech Hall this Friday,
January 31st. All who plan on trying out for baseball please attend.

Garber Students & Staff - Wear your Lion's gear or blue and white on Friday to support our Detroit Lions!

Concession Volunteers needed! Please click the link to signup. We really appreciate all the support! GO DUKES!

Anyone interested in playing softball- there will be an important meeting with Coach Friday December 13th in the Library right after school! GO DUKES!!

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Garber Athletics is still looking for athletes, students and parents to work concessions! We have several openings that need to be filled in order to keep our concession stand open at all athletic events! While we appreciate everything our Garber Athletic Association - GAA does it's not fair to rely on them for every event. Please click the link to sign up!

Anyone interested in Girls’ Tennis there will be an important meeting after school on Friday December 13th in the Tech Hall

Girls & Boys Varsity Basketball vs. Swan Valley @ 5:30 PM


BOWLING- Anyone interested in Bowling please sign up in the Main office.

GIRLS SOCCER- Conditioning starts this week! Wednesdays and Fridays from 3:30-4:30. Meet on the Senior Islands! PRIOR EXPERIENCE IS NOT REQUIRED! EVERYONE IS WELCOME!